Answered By: Reference Staff
Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024     Views: 63

EBSCO can read HTML articles aloud to you using the Text-To-Speech feature

1.  Locate an EBSCO article in HTML Full Text (not PDF) which you would like to read.
2.  Choose the Accent in which you'd like to hear the article. (American is the default).
3.  Click on the Settings button to select a reading speed. (Medium is the default).
4.  Click the Listen button to hear the article read out loud.

You may also choose to have only a section of the article read to you by highlighting the text you would like read out loud. Click. Listen. 

You may also download an MP3 file by clicking on the download icon and following the directions.

Below is a more detailed tutorial on how to use Text-to-Speech with illustrations. 

If you need further assistance, please Ask Us!


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