Report A Noise Concern
If you need to report a noise issue and chat is not online:
Call the Library Service Desk at 615-904-8533.
Students who are NOT enrolled for summer but who are enrolled for fall semester will be converted to Community Borrowers manually at the Circulation Desk. They will be subject to Community Borrowing privileges during the summer.
More info is available in the Borrowing Policies.
A non-enrolled user's policy applies only to students who are working on a research project and working with a faculty member. Once they have finished a Non-Enrolled Users Form and received approval, they may check out books and use Interlibrary Loan.
Note: This policy DOES NOT mean students have privileges to reserve study rooms or check out equipment from the Tech Services Desk, etc.
If you need further assistance, Ask Us!
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If you need to report a noise issue and chat is not online:
Call the Library Service Desk at 615-904-8533.