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To locate peer-reviewed articles:
You can use our library research databases (such as JEWL Search) to find scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles. Most of our databases have a box (limiter) you can select so that every item found comes from a scholarly/peer-reviewed journal.
An example after using JEWL search:
Peer-reviewed means that the articles in these journals have gone through a review process by people who are experts in whatever field of study in which the journal specializes.
Before an article is accepted for publication in the journal, it has to be approved by these experts, but keep in mind:
Scholarly/peer-reviewed articles usually:
If the article describes a research study it will:
You can also look up a journal in Ulrichsweb.
The list of journals that are peer-reviewed/refereed have an icon that indicate this status:
Related info:
If you need further assistance, please Ask Us!
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If you need to report a noise issue and chat is not online:
Call the Library Service Desk at 615-904-8533.