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Exceptional Children and Journal of Special Education are two important journals in the field of Special Education. If you want to browse articles in these journals, you can check eJournals A-Z, located on the Library home page, to see what databases index them.
1. Click on eJournals A-Z and type in "exceptional children"
2. The results screen will list databases and print options if we have the journal in our collection.
3. When you click on a database, i.e. Academic Search Premier, it will take you to a screen with publication details and on the right side is a list of all issues. Click on the year, then issue to browse articles.
Browsing these journals is a good way to see a range of subjects, which may help you select one to research. When you have a specific one in mind, you can search using JEWL Search or one of the Education-related databases.
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